Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881

We Demand A Knowledge Of Painterly Craftsmanship

Research Library

An offline survey for further study of Natalia Gontcharova, Mikhail Larionov, the Russian Avant-Garde, the Ballets Russes and beyond…


Gontcharova by Mary ChamotGontcharova

Mary Chamot, Paris, 1972





Natalia Goncharova: The Russian Years by Yevgenia Petrova (editor)Natalia Goncharova: the Russian Years

Yevgenia Petrova, Leningrad, 2006




Natalia Goncharova: Between Russian Tradition and European Modernism by Evegnia IluchinaNatalia Goncharova: Between Russian Tradition and European Modernism

Evgenia Iluchina, Alla Chilova, Beate Kemfert, Germany, 2010




Russian Modernism between East and West: Natal'ia Goncharova and the Moscow Avant-Garde by Jane Ashton SharpeRussian Modernism between East and West: Natal’ia Goncharova and the Moscow Avant Garde

Jane Ashton Sharp, New York, 2006




Larionov Gontcharova - Galerria SchwarzLarionov – Gontcharova.

Galleria Schwarz, Milan, Italy 1961

(Exhibition Catalogue)




Larionov, Gontcharova - Galerie Beyeler, Basel - 1961
Larionov, Gontcharova

Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland 1961

(Exhibition Catalogue)




Modern Art - The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry by Linda Dalrymple HendersonThe Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art

Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Cambridge, MA, 2013




Russian and Soviet Painting 1900-1930: Tretyakov, Russian Museum - Genrikh Gusarova PopovRussian and Soviet Painting 1900-1930: Selections from the State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow and the State Russian Museum Leningrad

E.V. Basner, John E. Bowlt, Washington D.C., 1988




Original of the Russian Avant-Garde by Yevgenia Petrova (editor)Origins of the Russian Avant-Garde

Yevgenia Petrova, Elena Basner, S. Frederick Starr, Baltimore, Maryland, 2003




Goncharova - The Art and Design of Natalia Goncharova by Anthony PartonGoncharova: the Art and Design of Natalia Goncharova

Anthony Parton, Suffolk, UK 2010




Russian Avant-Garde Art: George Costakis Collection by Angelica Zander RudenstineRussian Avant-Garde Art: the George Costakis Collection

Angelica Zander Rudenstine, New York, 1981




Russian Painted Shop Signs and Avant-garde Artists by Alla PovelikhinaRussian Painted Shop Signs and Avant-Garde Artists

Alla Povelikhina, Yevgeny Kovtun, Leningrad, 1991




The Lubbock: Russian Folk Pictures by Alla Sytova (editor)The Lubok: Russian Folk Pictures 17th-19th century

Alla Sytova, Leningrad, 1984




Russian Modernism: Cross-currents of German and Russian Art by Konstantin Akinsha (editor)Russian Modernism: Cross Currents of German and Russian Art, 1907-1917

Ronald S. Lauder, Renee Price, Konstantin Akinsha, Vivian Barnett, Natalia Murray, Irina Romanova, Jane Sharp, Aleksandra Shatskikh, New York, 2015



Russan Art Nouveau: The World of Art and Diaghilev's Painters by Vsevolod Petrov (editor)Russian Art Nouveau: the Diaghilev Group of Russian Artists

Vsevolod Petrov, Bournemouth, England, 1997




Words in Revolution by Anna Lawton and Herbert Eagle (editors)Words in Revolution: Russian Futurist Manifestoes 1912-1928

Anna Lawton and Herbert Eagle, Washington D.C.,1988




The Russian Experiment in Art by Camilla GrayThe Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922

Camilla Gray, London, 1962





My Futurist Years by Roman JakobsonMY FUTURIST YEARS

Roman Jakobson, New York 1992 & 1997





Mikhail Larionov and the Russian Avant-garde by Anthony PartonMikhail Larionov and the Russian Avant-Garde

Anthony Parton, Princeton, NJ, 1993





Larionov (Maitres D'hier Et D'Aujourd'hui) by George WaldemarLarionov

Waldemar George, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1966 and 1996




For more about the life and works of Natalia Gontcharova, head on over to the year-by-year Timeline of her life and works.

Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881