Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881

Natalia Gontcharova

From Tula to Paris

Natalia Gontcharova Tula to Paris

Natalia Gontcharova's life in a year-by-year timeline dating from 1881 to 1962 and across locations stretching from the Russian countryside near Moscow to the heart of Paris.

One Does Not Understand Life Immediately

Natalia Gontcharova Quotes

From her time as an young outspoken shaker of the status quo in Moscow through to her eventual position as a respected and unique fixture of the art world in Paris, Natalia Gontcharova always had a way with words... here, for your reading pleasure, are a few of her most memorable thoughts in quotes...

I Wish To Display My Artistic Development

Natalia Gontcharova Self Portrait

Throughout her career in both Russia and the West, Natalia Gontcharova showcased her work in a series of solo exhibitions beginning in 1910. Though solo in name - these exhibitions often also included collaborations with and works by Gontcharova's life-long creative and domestic partner, Mikhail Larionov.

I Destroy This Holy Of Holies

Natalia Gontcharova Paris Studio

The term 'Anti-Individualist' is an unusual description for an artist, one that runs exactly contrary to the prevailing Individualism that runs throughout Modern Art. Yet 'The Anti-Individualist' is very much an accurate description of Natalia Gontcharova, one that might uniquely be applied only to her among her contemporaries in the modern art movement of the first part of the 20th century. She...

Beauty In The Fourth Dimension

new testament trinity

Natalia Gontcharova, perhaps above all else, was a spiritual painter. She created art according to her personal sense of modern devotion. She was pious, humble, charitable and obedient. This deep grounding in faith is present throughout her entire body of work but reveals itself in different ways at different stages of her life and career...

I Am Opening Up The East

Natalia Gontcharova Textile Design

“Now I shake the dust from my feet and leave the West, considering its vulgarizing significance trivial and unimportant - my path is toward the source of all arts, the East.” What does Gontcharova mean here when she refers to the East?

Do Not Ever Destroy Your Paintings

Natalia Gontcharova Paris Studio

In the world of Natalia Gontcharova, the seemingly simple act of dating a piece of her artwork is often made even more challenging by a combination of additional factors, not the least of which was her usual habit of not dating her works at their creation...

Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881