Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881

Natalia Goncharova

May My Example and My Words Be A Good Lesson

Natalia Gontcharova Signature

Natalia Sergeevna Gontcharova was born and raised in pre-revolutionary Russia. As a student she was taught to write her name in the cyrillic alphabet (Наталиа Гонтчарова), and early in her career as an artist she signed works with both her full name or just her initials, often in the form of a monogram...

Punk Before Punk Rock

drama in the futurists cabaret number 13

Natalia Sergeevna Gontcharova (1881-1962), the greatest modern artist you’ve never heard of, led an amazing life that spanned continents, decades and artistic movements...

A Sharp Stab In The Heart

Mir Iskusstva Group B. Kustodiev

We, rayonists and futurists, do not wish to speak about new or old art, and even less about modern Western art. We leave the old art to die and leave the “new” art to do battle with it...

Shaking Off the Dust of the West

Natalia Gontcharova Moscow

I aspire toward nationality and the East, not to narrow the problems of art but, on the contrary, to make it all-embracing and universal. If I extol the art of my country, then it is because I think that it fully deserves this and should occupy a more honorable place than it has done hitherto...

Examine Art From The Artistic Monuments

Natalia Gontcharova Centre Pompidou Collection

An alphabetical listing of institutions with works by Natalia Gontcharova held in their permanent collection, along with examples of those works (wherever available). This page is intended as a guide for you to find, visit and experience the Natalia near you…

Natalia Gontcharova raging against the machine since 1881