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The term 'Anti-Individualist' is an unusual description for an artist, one that runs exactly contrary to the prevailing Individualism that runs throughout Modern Art. Yet 'The Anti-Individualist' is very much an accurate description of Natalia Gontcharova, one that might uniquely be applied only to her among her contemporaries in the modern art movement of the first part of the 20th century. She...
Natalia Gontcharova, perhaps above all else, was a spiritual painter. She created art according to her personal sense of modern devotion. She was pious, humble, charitable and obedient. This deep grounding in faith is present throughout her entire body of work but reveals itself in different ways at different stages of her life and career...
Natalia Sergeevna Gontcharova was born and raised in pre-revolutionary Russia. As a student she was taught to write her name in the cyrillic alphabet (Наталиа Гонтчарова), and early in her career as an artist she signed works with both her full name or just her initials, often in the form of a monogram...